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MAY, 1929 



By L. H. Fuint, Associate Physiologist, Biophysi 4 Laboratory, Bw “eas, of 
Plant Industry U. 8, Bepestmert of Avriculomre 

Page Page 
ANGLO GR GELOMI A een a er nas Rees Eee 1 Application of mulching paper—Con 
Soil conditions in relation to paper MethodS 2225. tae ee ae 4 
Pe THO ne eee ee es Ses re eee 3 Costs = 252 Ss ee EG Ee 4 
Application of mulching paper______ 4 General precautions_—-—~—___=-_-2= ns 
PUD CES: © Setsmmert te) res b Ss Me 4 


The use of paper mulch in agriculture was originated in 1914 by 
CG. F. Eckart in connection with the culture of suugar-cane in the 
Hawaiian Islands. Following a period of experimental triai the 
process was extended to pineapple culture and in 1922 attained 
appreciable economic importance in that industry. This method 
consists essentiaily of extending black paper over “soil surfaces ad- 
jacent to crop plants, the paper serving to enhance growth chiefly 
through the suppression of weeds and through the increase of soil 
temperature and moisture. 

In 1924 the United States Department of Agriculture began small 
trials with various types of paper mulches. These experiments, were 
continued over a period of four years, during which various phases 
of the process received attention. The trials were reported in Tech- 
nical Bulletin No. 75.1. For the most part “ie paper used in these 
trials proved durable through several seasons and was of the type 
used extensively in the pineapple-growing industr y of the Hawaiian 
Islands. These trials led to the conclusion that under a wide variety 
of crops and conditions a definite and appreciable plant stimulation 
resulted from the use of the paper. This conclusion has been sub- 
stantiated by further experiments and by the results of a large nuim- 
ber of trials. by interested growers throughout the Un ited States 
and Canada during the past season (1928). 

Little is known, however, concerning the economic value of the 
process. The trials in 1928 were made with various types of paper 
of varying cost and durability. In most of these experiments there 
was no attempt to investigate the relations of the cost of the paper 
to the soil surface covered or to the di urability of the paper, or the 
relations of the durability of the paper to the requirements of the 

Bul, 75, 20 p., illus. 1928. 

46330°—29 ft 


crop for which it was used. In many instances papers of a dura- 
bility of several years, and proportionately expensive, were applied 
to crops maturing in a few months. No particular attention had 
been given to the development of methods for the adaptation of 
mulching paper to the growing of any one crop. ‘The rather pro- 
nounced increases in growth reported from the use of paper had led 
enthusiasts to plan the covering of large areas; but without experi- 
mental evidence that the method was adapted to the local conditions 
_and that the type cf paper was satisfactory such a procedure would 
undoubtedly have resulted in many disappointments. On this ac- 
count it has been the policy of the department to suggest that all 
‘initial trials be conducted on a small scale. 

With the establishment of the fact of crop response for a variety 
of crops, soils, and seasons, the further study of paper mulch be- 
comes of interest. Hrom a technical viewpoint this study is associ- 
ated on the one hand with types of papers and their suitability for 
different crops and on the other hand with the biophysical factors 
involved in crop production under the paper-mulch system. This 
technical study is being carried out by means of experiments at 
the Arlington Experiment Farm (Rosslyn, Va.) and elsewhere, 
but these experiments must be repeated throughout several seasons 
under varying conditions of soil, season, and climate before definite 
conclusions can be reached. : | 

From an immediately practical standpoit the further study of 
paper mulch involves additional and extended field trials in the 
producing regions. The paper-mulch method is a new one in con- 
tinental United States, and its economic utilization here is still in 
the experimental stage. Because the method is a new one there 
has been no thorough testing of available mulching papers and 
no studied development of methods for their adaptation to our 
crops. Those who have been fortunate in the selection of their 
papers and ingenious in applying them appear to have attained an 
appreciable and encouraging measure of success. Others who did 
not apply the paper until the season was well advanced, or who 
found that their paper had blown away or had disintegrated or 
had been interfered with in some other way, obtained results that 
were not indicative of the effectiveness of the paper. Whether the 
“best paper” for any crop and the “best method” of using it will 
make the method economic for use with a certain crep in a certain 
region is not a matter that can be determined without practical experi- 
ment and repeated trials in that particular region. The economy 
of the practice is particularly related to labor costs, to the type of 
crop, and to specific market conditions, and is therefore essentially 
a matter for the interested grower to determine for himself, with 
the experience of others to guide him. The solution of the problem 
requires initiative, resourcefulness, and hard work, but its solution 
‘appears to offer satisfactory rewards. | 

The wide interest in paper mulch indicates that the method will 
be given a thorough trial in this country. The experienced grower 
will recognize that the determination of the potential value of a 
system of culture so radical as the paper-mulching system, for any 
specific agricultural purpose, is pioneering work. Utilizing the 
system to economic advantage in continental United States will un- 


doubtedly require the same research, resourcefulness, and industry 
that brought about its successful development in the Hawaiian Is- 
lands. Present paper costs are deemed to limit the application of 
the system in this country toe the more intensive phases of our agricul- 
ture, but for these it appears to merit serious study. 

The present circular is intended as a guide to growers interested 
in the practical possibilities of paper mulch, who are desirous of 
ascertaining through small trials whether or not they may make 
economic use of the stimulation of plant growth and other advantages 
which frequently result frem the application of paper mulch. 


The trials with paper mulch have not as yet indicated the desir- 

ability of any one particular method of soil preparation for general 
use. It is quite possible that on account of the modified soil condi- 
tions accompanying the use of paper mulch the present practices in 
relation to certain crops on unmulched soils may undergo some 
change. Nevertheless, such changes may be expected to develop 
gradually with further practical experience. For example, soil- 
moisture conditions produced under the mulch may be of such im- 
portance where irrigation or dry-land agriculture are practiced, or 
in regions of excessive rainfall, that a modification of present technic 
may “be practicable and advisable. Or, again, the effectiveness of 
the paper in bringing about the rapid decomposition of weeds may 
possibly be utilized in the development of a modified system of green 
manuring. Further, the protection afforded by the use of certain 
types of paper against the packing of heavy soils by winter rains 
and snows may p yermit advantageous fall preparation of the soil for 
early spring planting of certain crops. On soils described as “ cool 
and moist,” however, the special desirability of applying the paper 
over slightly ridged beds has been shown to be due to the fact that 
under these conditions the soil temperature was increased through 
the reduction of evaporation and through heat absorption. Ai the 
same time the soil moisture was not unfavor ably increased, as some- 
times happened on such soils with paper and flat culture. 

Little is known regarding the relation between the use of paper 
muich and the application “of fertilizers. The initial paper-mulch 
trials have indicated that the poorer the soil the greater the percent- 
age difference between the mulehed and the unmuiched crop. Even 
with a relatively great increase in yield resulting from the mulch the 
yield might still “be unprofitable. The absolute difference between 
mulched and unmulched crops increased with fertility. It is deemed 
entirely reasonabie to look to the paper mulch for an increase in 
soil moisture and soil temperature. In so far as these factors ma ay 
promote growth directly, well and good; but their indicated s 
ondary effect in promoting the activity of favorable microor ganisms 
in the soil, leading to an need production of nitrates, can take 

(9 place only through the same reduction of the organic materiais in 
the soil which characterizes all the usual practices. The introduc- 
tion of paper mulch into the pineapple-growing industry did not 
result in a reduction of the applications of manures or commercial 
fertilizers, but it did enhance the effectiveness of any added fertility. 


Pending further investigation, the validity of this relationship may 
well be assumed in the use of paper mulch with crops in temperate 



There are at present two general types of mulching papers used 
during the growing season. These types are based on durability. 
Papers made for use with a single crop are designated as type A, 
while those made for use with two or more crops or for home gar- 
dens are designated as type B. 

The type-A papers comprise those suitable for annual crops in 
field culture. They are designed to last as long as or somewhat 
less than the period during which the crop plants are in the field. 

The type-B papers comprise the papers suitable for perennial 
crops in field culture, for a succession of annual crops in field cul- 
ture, and for all home-garden purposes. They are appreciably 
stronger and more durable than the type-A papers. The paper that 
is used in pineapple culture is of type B. 


There are at present three principal methods of applying paper: 
(1) The placing of small squares of paper at regular distances, (2) 
the use of extended strips of paper with alternate uncovered soil 
areas of approxi- 
mately the same 
extent, and (3) the 
use of paper in 
strips without any 
uncovered soil ex- 
cept that exposed 
FIGURE 1.—Method of applying small squares of paper mulch incidental BOs b . 

as used with certain vine crops in field culture ’ establishment of the 
: = crop plants. 

In the first method as apphed to the growing of such crops as. 
muskmelons, watermelons, cucumbers, squashes, etc., sections 3 by 3 
feet were cut. from 36-inch rolls of type-A paper. Holes of suitable 
_Size to permit field seeding or transplanting were then cut in the 
- center, and the sections then were placed in the field. The seeds were 
planted just before the paper was placed over the prepared seed bed, 
or at any subsequent time. The best results were obtained, however, 
when the application of the paper was made before the seeds germi- 
nated. ‘Transplanting into the field before the laying of the paper 
gave better results than transplanting through holes in the paper, as 
in the latter case it was difficult to firm the soil about the plants. 
The mulch-paper sections were made to’ hold “hot caps” in place 
when these were used. The type-A papers used in the above manner 
should be about disintegrated at the time of harvest. If they still 
remain intact, it indicates that a less durable and less expensive paper 
might be as effective. This method is outlined in Figure 1. 

in the first method, as applied to the establishment of fruit and 
nut orchards, vineyards, shade and forest trees, etc., sections 3 by 3 
feet were cut from 36-inch roils of type-B paper. Cross-shaped slits 

° 4 

of suitable size were made in the center for single-stalk plants, and 
round holes with a slit to the outside were made for those with bushy 
tops. These sections were placed about the plants at the time they 
were set out in the permanent field planting, all outer edges being 
depressed and embedded in soil to insure protection against wind 
damage. For larger plants two sections 3 by 6 feet were cut from 
36-inch rolls of type-B paper, each section was notched at the center 
of one long edge, and the two were overlapped slightly about the 
plant stock. All outer edges were covered with sou, and bricks, 
stones, or sods were placed on the overlaps. The type-B papers as 
above used were left in place until disintegration had destroyed their 

The particular desirability of a single application of paper lasting 
several years as compared with an annual application of paper last- 
ing for the growing season only is-complicated at present by the lack 
of information regarding the influence of paper mulch during the 
winter season. The application of paper to well-developed orchard 
trees did not appear to be of genera] economic promise. 

In the second 

method, as apphed ee ad ae 
to the growing of ee ee oe 

fs Sng Ro VY ee eens 
such crops as =. 7" eee 
tomatoes, peppers, == Pee 

] NS v ae 

eggplant, cabbage, od eee 
and tobacco, the Nee 

type-A paper 36: ie 
inch id FicguRE 2.—Method of applying extended strips of paper 
inenes wide Was ruich, as used with various crops in field culture 

unrolled over pre- 
pared soil, and the edges covered with soil. The paper-covered area 
was slightly ridged so that the heat-absorbing value of the paper 
would not be reduced by any deposition of soil on top of the paper 
-by subsequent rains. This method with type-B paper is the one used 
with pineapples, and the machine laying of the paper in such a way 
does not involve any mechanical difficulty. The young plants were 
set through cross-shaped slits, or in some instances suitable-sized 
disks of paper were removed. Double staggered rows of plants were 
set through at the desired intervals. The openings made for the 
plants also facilitated the entrance of rain water. The machine 
preparation of the slits may be readily accomplished at the factory 
if continued trials indicate the desirability of extensive application. 
With this method the middles required machine weeding. I¢ is quite 
possible that if wider papers were available more than two rows of 
plants could be grown to greater advantage. For the present, how- 
ever, the double-row system appears best for trials of the above-listed 
erops when hand set in the field. This method is shown in Figure 2. 

With strawberries a similar system was used, a type-A paper be- 
ing used in the Southern States, where this plant is grown as an 
ge and 2 type-B paper being used elsewhere. Since the paper 

nds to prevent the establishment of runner plants, all plants de- 
sired were set out when the bed was made. 

In the second method, as applied to the growing of such crops as 
sweet corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cabbage, and tobacco, when the 
eventual adaptation of the system to machine planting was projected 


the use of type-A paper in 18-inch widths was used. The paper 
was laid over slightly ridged rows and held with soil over the de- 
pressed edges. Suitable provision for transplants or for plant 
emergence was-made by splitting or cutting out disks at the desired 
intervals—a somewhat laborious process at present but one which 
can readily be handled at the paper mills if trials appear to warrant 
it. It is quite possible, moreover, that the machine laying of such 
prepared paper may be synchronized with the pianting. 

In the third method, as applied to the growing of drilled crops in 
field culture, accurately spaced machine seeding has been immediately 
followed by the iaying of strips of type-A paper held with staples, 
stapled laths, or edgings. Protection against wind damage was hard 
to secure with this method and type-A papers, and it constituted the 
most difficult problem in the use of paper mulch with drilled crops. 
A further problem was that of hand weeding within the row without 
destroying the paper. This method is shown in Figure 3. 

The above method 
was also used in the 
culture of celery, 
following accu- 
rately spaced field 
planting, and for 
various flowering 
plants grown for 
bulb or cut-flower 

Figur» 3.—Method of applying strips of paper mulch in In the th ir d 
block formation, as used with drilled crops in field cul- : : 
ture and in home gardens method, as applied 

to the growing of 
young evergreens, boxwood, and various types of perennial nursery 
stock, the laying of strips of type-B paper followed the lining out of 
the plants at suitably spaced intervals. The paper was held with 
wire staples, stapled laths, or edgings. 

A modification of the third method, as apphed to the growing of 
nursery stock, consisted in the use of a strip of paper with notches 
2 inches deep cut along one side at the desired intervals. Following 
the laying of one strip of this paper the plants were set within 
these notches, and the soil was leveled. The second strip of paper was 
then overlapped with the straight edge touching the plant stalks and 
held with stapled laths. Three holes were made in each lath, one 
near each end and one in the center, and through these holes were 
inserted straight wire pegs of No. 10 wire, 10 inches long and pro- 
vided with a double bend at the top to hold the lath. This method 
proved very effective protection against wind damage except under 
conditions of pronounced soil heaving with frost, and had the ad- 
vantage of a practically complete weed suppression. 

fn home gardens all three of the above methods were used with 
both the A and B types of paper. The type-B paper was clearl 
indicated as much more desirable for ali home-garden purposes. 
for ornamental home plantings the paper was covered with pine 
straw to efface the somewhat unsightly appearance of the black paper. 




Although most of the mulching paper used in the Hawaiian 
Islands is manufactured in the United States, the delivered cost in 
quantity for consumption there is nevertheless appreciably below the 
present cost of comparable paper in this country. During the past 
season, however, a number of companies have devoted much effort to 
the quantity production of mulching papers, and it is probable that 
with increasing numbers of types of paper and enlarged use, the 
present costs of papers suitable for various mulching purposes may 
be gradually reduced. The present cost of the paper-mulching system 
depends upon the type of paper used and the method of use. With 
an inexpensive type-A paper costing $1 per 500 square feet the cost 
of the paper required for 3 by 8 foot squares spaced at 12-foot 
intervals would be about $5.50 to the acre of 302 squares. This 
minimum expense involves the use of an inexpensive paper, but it 
will readily be seen that the use of squares of more durable and 
expensive paper in the establishment cf orchards does not appear 
prohibitive. The cost of the type-B papers varies from two to three 
or more times the cost of the type-A papers. As used in the produc- 
tion of many annual crops in field culture with the system of extended 

-cropped and mulched rows with uncovered interspaces, the type-A 
papers, in quantity, have an approximate minimum cost of about 
$30 per acre. As used in the practically complete covering of the 
soil the type-A papers have an approximate minimum cost, in quan- 
tity, of about $60 per acre, while the more durable type-B papers, 
similarly used, will cost $120 to $200 per acre, the cost being distribut- 
able against use for two or more crops or seasons. 

The cost of applying the paper depends upon the method of use, 
but ordinarily it appears to be only a small percentage of the cost 
of the paper. 

On the basis of present costs, the use of paper mulch is not profit- 
able in the ordinary production of such crops as field corn, dry beans, 
cotton, sugar-cane, and other low-value crops. The paper is effective 
with these crops, however, and it is entirely possible that, should the 
manufacture of mulching paper from waste by-products (e. g., 
pressed cane, cornstalks, etc.) prove feasible, its application to low- 
value crops might become a matter of practical interest. 


In making small-scale trials with paper mulch the system was con- 
sidered as experimental, and provision was made for suitable com- 
parison areas without paper. The papered areas were as nearly as 
possible of the same fertility as the comparison areas which were not 
papered. The preparation of the soil and the planting were done at 
the same time on both areas, and any fertilizer subsequently applied 

_ was applied equally to the mulched and unmulched areas. Under iuri- 
) eo conditions special precautions were taken to prevent excessive 
oisture under the paper, and on moist soils the paper was extended 

over ridged and shghtly elevated beds to facilitate drainage. 

In conducting the initial trials the main objective was the determi- 
nation of the extent of crop-plant stimulation attributable to the use 


of a Sho impervious paper. When this was ascertained it consti- 
uted a basis for any study of particular papers and methods of 
applying them which seemed desirable. 

As stated on page 18 of Technical Bulletin No. 75,2 certain methods 
of using mulch paper are patented. The present licensees are the 
Paraffine Companies (Inc.), of San Francisco, Calif.; Bird & Son - 
(Inc.), East Walpole, Mass., and Chicago, Tl. - and The International 
Paper Co., 100 East Forty-second Street, New "York, N. Y.. So far as 
these investigations show, any impervious dark paper free from 
soluble toxic materials may be as efficacious in stimulating plant 
growth as that manufactured especially for use as a mulch. 

The successful application of paper mulch in other regions has 
been brought about only through modest initial trials annually ex- 
tended as more information was obtained. ‘There appears to be no 
reason why the present inquiry regarding the attractive possibilities 
of this system should not be extended i in a » similar manner. 

2Frint, Lb. H. Cp. cit.